Use Facebook’s New Objective-Based Ads to Sell on Facebook
Facebook has rolled out the new design for its ad buying and reporting tool. Facebook for Business has introduced ‘Objective-Based’ ads. These new type of ads attempt to find a solution to the most basic question for you as a business owner – what are you trying to achieve from your ad? Once you’ve decided your ad objectives, choose from the new Facebook Ads to decide the ad format best suited to achieving those objectives. They also determine how your ads have performed using the suggested ad platforms to achieve your objective.
Based on extensive market research Facebook has selected 8 kinds of objectives for businesses. When you, as a business, set-up an ad you can now achieve various objectives with these ads, as opposed to only increase Fans on your Facebook brand page. But, how do you maximise the effect of these ads to increase sales on Facebook? Before that, do take a look at how to sell on Facebook with FB Apps to understand how to set up a Facebook Shop.
1. Clicks to Website: You can use this option if you want to redirect your fans to your website from your Facebook page. If you’re running a SALE or any other promotion on your website, you can redirect your fans to your website and increase the traffic to your website. You can link this type of ad directly to your web-store to increase traffic for your website and capture a larger audience to expose your products to.
2. Website Conversion: You wish to know how your campaign is performing? To see if your fans are getting converted into your customers or potential leads, use this option to promote a contest on Facebook or your Facebook store to sell on facebook.
3. Page Post Engagement: Want to run a Timeline Contest on Facebook? Why not use this ad to see how many fans engage with the status update announcing your contest? It can be an excellent tool to measure participation and increase page interactions. You can use a Facebook Timeline contest App to run these contests and promote them with this ad objective. Remember, more page interaction means more visibility as the more ‘Likes’ and ‘Comments’ your post has, the more are its chances of being seen by an even larger audience as per the new Facebook Newsfeed algorithm.
Alternatively, you can use these ads to promote a post showcasing your products and / or new discounts with a link to your Facebook Store in the status update. Interested customers can simply click on the ‘BUY’ link and purchase your products from within Facebook.
4. Page Likes: If you’ve recently set-up your presence on Facebook using Facebook Business Page, your first objective would be to increase your Page Likes, as Fans are the most important element of a Facebook Business Page. Use this type of ad to target the type of audience you want on your Facebook fan page.
5. App Installs: If you’ve developed a new Facebook App for a mobile platform, then this is a great option to promote your App Installs. This option will help you measure how many fans are installing your app and would get your app great promotion as well.
6. App Engagement: Use this ad objective to increase the engagement with your Facebook app for eg: a Facebook contest app you’ve installed on your Facebook Page. If you are running a Photo Contest, a Caption Contest, or any contest at all that requires the use of 3rd-party Facebook Contest apps, this type of ad can help increase interaction between your fans/ non-fans and the contest.
7. In-store Offer Claims: This ad objective can be used if you wish to giveaway a coupon or promo code to increase your sales on your website, or even your Facebook Store. Provide the promo code in the ad copy and see your fans use these codes on your online store.
8. Event Response: If you’re promoting an event, then do use this ad objective to increase the response to your event invites. Your event can get very high exposure with this ad type, and the best part is that you can measure the response you get to improve your strategy next time. A great idea will be to create Facebook even announcing a ‘SALE’ on your products. Run this type of ad to increase attendance and lead the invitees to your Facebook Store for great discounts.