Run Highly Effective Timeline Contests With Facebook Timeline Contest App
If you are struggling with your Facebook fan page growth, the quickest and simplest way to boost page growth is to run a contest on Facebook. A Facebook contest is a ready remedy for pages looking to increase page interaction over a short period of time. There is a wide variety of Facebook contests to choose from, including Facebook Photo Contests, Caption Contests, Share and Win Contests, Scratch and Win Contests, and so many more that you can use based on what your business requirements are. We even recently wrote an article with 4 Facebook Contest Ideas for Businesses to make picking and planning a contest easier for you.
The easiest of all these to run is a Facebook timeline contest. This is simply a contest you run on the timeline of your Facebook fan page by asking your fans to comment on your status update or ‘Like’ it, in order to win prizes.
However, as with everything else, a Facebook timeline contest has its own restrictions. A timeline contest can only serve to create short-term engagement on your page, however it does not ensure growth in the number of fans, nor does it allow you to tap into the participants’ database to create potential leads/ customers. Viewers can land on your status update from anywhere, and they don’t even have to become a Fan of your page to participate, unless you specify that in the contest Terms and Conditions. But as we all know, in case of a timeline contest, there is no way display those and ensure that they’re read by every single participant.Sandy Wexler film trailer
The Apps Mav Facebook Timeline Contest App has been created to maximise the power of your Facebook timeline contests, while keeping the process simple, to make sure you get the most out of your contest. Simply share the shortened URL of the app (provided within the app) in your Facebook status update with the contest question to amplify your contest’s reach online.
The Timeline App comes packed with numerous features designed to enhance the user’s contest experience, as well simplify the management of your Facebook timeline contest. With features such as fan-gating, an in-built and customisable sign-up form, dedicated space to display contest T&Cs, and the ability to sort your contest entries at the touch of a button based on your contest participation parameters, the Apps Mav Facebook Timeline Contest app is sure to make your timeline contests work for you.
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The Timeline Contest app is available to purchase in its Beta version starting at merely $4.95 per month (0-500) fans, but purchasing it also unlocks a plethora of other super-efficient Facebook Apps for you, such as the YouTube app for Facebook, Photo Contest App, Welcome – Landing Tab App, Scratch & Win, Sweepstake, Group Deals, and more!