Vine - the twitter app
Vine - the twitter app

New entrants in Social Media – IV

Our new entrant in the world of social media is the fastest growing player in the micro-video sharing trend. We will talk about video sharing Twitter app Vine, also being touted as the video Instagram of the social media world.

When I think of Vine, the first thing I remember is The Daily Prophet from Harry Potter, with its loop of moving pictures, except there was no sound. Vine, on the other hand, is a collection of 6-second videos that play on a loop.

These 6-second looping videos can be paused and the sound can be put on mute as well. Users usually try to keep these videos funny and entertaining. Vine has a very high potential to go viral. The attention span required is merely 6 seconds, so the chance for a brand to lose its viewer is also significantly reduced.

Picture this: all that a brand has to do is reduce the production cost, shoot a sales pitch about its products in 6 seconds and upload it. If the video is spontaneous and showcases interesting features, watch the word spread about it.

Some of the big brands have already been using Vine for promotional purposes and tweeting their ‘Vines’. Check out the first Vine resume, which is extremely interesting. Not surprisingly, musicians and bands are making the most of it. Read more about it here. Sharing their new music, albums, asking questions about songs and more. Entertainment and advertising industry are especially exploring this app with gusto.

Here is a cute Vine video of Malibu Rum:

Vine is available only for iPod Touch and iPhone users as of now. To appease and entertain Android users, there is an app called Vine Flow – that streams uncensored Vine videos. There is also a site called Vinepeek that streams live 6 secs videos from around the world.

Have you tried this Twitter app yet? You can tweet your Vine videos to us @appsmav and do share your feedback with us!