Friday Wrap Up about Facebook Like Facebook Share buttons, Twitter IPO, Google Doodle, Social commerce, soccer video
Friday Wrap Up Blog

Friday Wrap Up – Social commerce on rise, Google Doodle, Twitter IPO and more

Another week has gone by and the non-stop buzz on social media has not paused even for a second. We have collected some interesting and sizzling updates of this week you can catch up on with your hot cup of coffee.

1. Social commerce for your business

For small business, a prevalent question is how to sell on social media? While we can witness that social commerce is on rise, it is important to have some innovative products to get the interest of your fans and followers. One of the ideas is to gratify your fans instantly for their participation with your Facebook Page. Check out this Instant Rewards Facebook App that will be coming soon into the market. This app will enable businesses to giveaway offers, discounts and prizes to their Fans for simply Liking their page, Liking their status update, commenting on their status update and more.

2. Twitter IPO receives positive response

Social media marketing mavericks believe that Twitter IPO will do well simply because how great the networking platform is. Despite its shortcomings initially, especially for the app developers, the platform has received a good response in the market. Do you think Twitter IPO will soar high? read more here. Meanwhile, do install Twitter on your Facebook Page to integrate your social media platforms.

Twitter stream on your facebook business page

3. Google Doodle allows you to take Rorschach Test

Google always has spectacular doodles. Today Google Doodle celebrates the birthday of famous Swiss psychoanalyst – Hermann Rorschach, who developed the Rorschach inkblot test. Simply go to your Google search and take the Rorschach Test. Read more here.

4. Facebook introduces new Like and Share button

Facebook has redesigned its Like and Share buttons. The new buttons will roll out to all 7.5 million websites which use the traditional “thumbs up” Like button. This design will be updated automatically on all sites and pages as soon as the update rolls out. You can read about Facebook announcing the new Like and Share buttons on their blog.

5. Christmas contests for your Facebook Business Page

With Christmas around the corner it is highly recommended that you prepare your marketing strategy to reach out the customers during this festive season. While you are most definitely there on social media, a Facebook Contest is a great idea for your business to reach out to fans and engage them in some fun activities. Here are some ideas to run contests on your Facebook Page.

6. Soccer juggler – the ball never touches the ground!

Here is something fun for you before the week ends. Check out this amazing boy on the street who can give professional footballers a run for their money!

Hope you enjoyed the Friday Wrap Up of this week! We always look forward to hear your feedback and comments. Have a great weekend.